Stone Lithography Weekend
Weekend Course

On 2-3 November, explore the original type of lithography still favoured by many artists.
Drawing directly onto a prepared limestone surface gives opportunity for a spontaneous approach to mark-making. Find out how artists with wide ranging styles from MC Escher, Picasso, Jasper Johns, and Kathe Kolwitz have delighted in the subtleties of the stone.
This 2-day weekend course gives a comprehensive introduction to Stone Lithography and is suitable for people without previous lithography experience or for those wishing to refresh their skills. Emphasis is given to stone lithography as a drawing and painting medium, working directly on this wonderful, robust drawing surface.
Focusing on learning the process and working mainly in monochrome, we will explore traditional approaches to mark-making as well as alternative drawing methods. Learn all about processing of images on stone and how to stabilise the image for printing before taking several prints to show the development of your drawing at different stages. During the course we will work to approximately A3 size: 28 x 38.5cm
Find out more about stone lithography on our YouTube channel here. Book over a month in advance to receive 15% off the course price with our Early Bird tickets!
This course entitles you to a FREE 3-month Associate Membership to use the studio and consolidate your skills.
Image: James Harrison
Course Times Saturday and Sunday 10am-5.30pm
Tutor Alastair Clark
Suitability This workshop is open to both experienced practitioners and beginners