Relief Printing Summer Course
9th-12th August

From Saturday 9 - Tuesday 12 August, explore ways of creating striking images with this simple yet powerful print medium process. Cutting images into wood or linoleum and inking up with colour can produce bold and dramatic effects.
During this course participants will explore the practicalities of reduction printing using both Japanese ply and multi block printing using etched lino to explore the benefits of using different types of paper for printing. You will be shown various methods of registration, and print a small edition.
This 4-day course is very hands-on, practical and fun. Bring a sketch or a simple digital printout. The image size will be up to a maximum of A4.
Book over a month in advance to receive 15% off the course price with our Early Bird tickets!
This course is part of our well-established and respected Summer School Programme, which gives printmakers of all skills levels valuable experience working with some of Scotlands most experienced practioners. It also entitles you to a FREE 4-month Associate Membership, which allows you to use the studio and consolidate your skills after the course.
Anupa Gardner is an Indian born artist based in Scotland working mainly in the field of printmaking. She graduated from Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, India, where she studied graphic design. Thereafter she moved to Scotland, graduating from Edinburgh College of Art with an MA in 2008.
Anupa has taken on various roles in her career as designer, illustrator, educator, technician and editioner. She now concentrates on her own practice and continues to teach in Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh Printmakers. She also delivers a variety of workshops across Scotland.
Image: Anupa Gardner
Course Times 10am - 5pm
Tutor Anupa Gardner
Suitability This workshop is open to both experienced practitioners and beginners
Expanded Practice 4 Day
9 August 2025
Print Studio
Adult 16+