The Sudanese collective Arafa and The Dirars will be providing their own response to the tradition of the Scottish ceilidh. Focusing onthe ceilidh's storytelling roots, they will be approaching it as gathering where people come together to share their stories. At this evening event, Arafa and The Dirarswill be sharing their own migration stories and reflect on how art has been present throughout their journey, both as a tool that has aided them to be resilient and as a practice that has provided them with their creative identity. Each member of the collective will present a part of this shared story, employing spoken word, poetry and photography. A stop to share and reflect along a much larger journey, the event extends also an invitation to attendees to contribute stories of their own.
Arafa and the Dirars are an artists' collective based in Hull. Born in West Sudan the Dirars family was resettled as refugees to the UK in 2015 through the UN Gateway Protection Programme. Having fled the war in Libya and during four years in a refugee camp in Egypt, they used the time waiting for a decision on their future to develop their skills in drawing, painting, and poetry. Today they use their art to reflect on their journey, share their story with others, and draw attention to the ongoing plight of millions of people fleeing war and persecution.