Screenprinting - Expanded Practice (3 day)
From Sat 25 - Mon 27 May, this 3-day extended course will give you the opportunity to expand on the skills you will acquire by developing your prints for more time with the guidance of Screenprint Technician James Harrison, or taking what you have learned and creating a new multi-layered print from the beginning. After 3 days you will be comfortable and very familiar with the screenprinting process, and have had time to experiment with different inks, layering approaches and exposure techniques.
Participants can produce a wide range of detailed marks such as painterly washes, linear drawings, stencil-cutouts, photocopied images, text and much more. Participants will learn the intricacies of the screenprint process, how to coat and expose screens and how to print several coloured layers onto fine art paper.
This course uses waterbased inks on paper which are not suitable for printing on textiles. During the course, each participant will work on their own print, developing it from idea to final printed work. Paper size will be approximately A3 with the printed area being around A4.
Book over a month in advance to receive 15% off the course price with our Early Bird tickets!
This course entitles you to a FREE 3-month Associate Membership to use the studio and consolidate your skills.
Photo: Adam Wilson
Course Times 10am - 5pm
Tutor James Harrison
Suitability Beginners